I was once told the story of Mahatma Gandhi who seriously considered joining the Christian Church at one point in his life. He like the idea of having only one God to answer too instead of many, so he went to church one morning in hopes of talking to the pastor about it. Unfortunately he was turned away at the door by the Greeter and told to go back to his own people. It still breaks my heart to think of that story, and from the moment I heard it I wanted to make a difference and help to change some of the mistakes of the past by the church.
It was my turn this morning to be greeter during Sunday School. I'm thankful that I will not judge people like that or turn them away. Despite being tired, I was more then happy to welcome them in with a smile, handshake, or even a hug if that is what I thought they needed. A better nights sleep and some practice would help me out a lot but I was happy to help and nobody is getting turned away on my watch. Of course it is still questionable if they have came to harm someone. I would absolutely have to call upon the Lord for help in that matter, but no one will get turned away.
This was my first time as greeter and I got to see things from a different perspective then just sitting in the pew. I got to stand back and watch everyone enjoying themselves. I was able to help if a little one needed to go to the nursery if they started to get upset. I got to see the smiling faces. It was very rewarding.
My sinuses started acting up so I ended up having to leave early. Today is the last day of the car and bike shows and everything is still packed and full of people. I'm glad it only happens once a year. Well, as I got out of my car I was greeted to the distant sound of what appeared to be tribal drums. I don't really know what it was, but that is what it sounded like. After hearing this low hum of thumping if finally realized that I am glad that we have these car shows. I haven't been thankful for them in the longest time since I always have to work, but today I was thankful once again.
I must be getting some rest before work. Please get out today and enjoy what is left of the festivities before it's over and never stop dreaming.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
What a Great Week
This week has been full of surprises and despite my busy schedule, I've still had time to write. I was able to complete 3 more chapters on my new manuscript. I never though that I would be writing something that could be condsidered a historical, but because of the locations that I chose for different wars, I wanted certain detail to be correct even if the story is fictional. The research has been extremely rewarding and I've learned quite a bit about naval vessels from the turn of the century. The USS Maine was a fascinating research topic. I still have WW 1, WW2, and the Vietnam War to finish as chapters before I write the end of my story.
Praise God in Heaven above, I've managed to find another job that is agreeable with me. I've just had to put my blog on hold for a couple minutes since some angels walked up to my door offering to take all of this accumulated junk away. I was wondering this week when I would have the time to get rid of all that rummage junk too.
I've also sent my book Helios and the legend of the Nomiwatta to a publisher for review. I will keep you updated on what they say. Even if they don't like it, I still have my original draft published on Lulu.com for anyone that is interested. I can also order a copy for you and save you some money. So don't be afraid to ask. We I need to clean up again. I have an orientation a 1 P.M. and I have to change my shirt. It got really dirty trying to help them get rid of the rummage items.
The picture is of the cooks off of the USS Maine and helped inspire one of my chapters. This is a little incite in what will be coming soon.
Praise God in Heaven above, I've managed to find another job that is agreeable with me. I've just had to put my blog on hold for a couple minutes since some angels walked up to my door offering to take all of this accumulated junk away. I was wondering this week when I would have the time to get rid of all that rummage junk too.
I've also sent my book Helios and the legend of the Nomiwatta to a publisher for review. I will keep you updated on what they say. Even if they don't like it, I still have my original draft published on Lulu.com for anyone that is interested. I can also order a copy for you and save you some money. So don't be afraid to ask. We I need to clean up again. I have an orientation a 1 P.M. and I have to change my shirt. It got really dirty trying to help them get rid of the rummage items.
The picture is of the cooks off of the USS Maine and helped inspire one of my chapters. This is a little incite in what will be coming soon.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Heartbreaking Choices We Make
There are a great deal of painful decitions that we must make in life and they never seem to get any easier. One of those decitions is telling your child that it's time to leave. I informed Brian of this decition this morning. I can still feel the anger radiating from him after being woke up and told that he needed to find another place to live. Maintaining my composure during the insults and accusations comming from my son had me on the verge of tears. The problem is, my son is almost twenty years old and still wants to act like a young teen. He also has ADD. Mentally he is behind other kids his age but we have talked to him till we are blue in the face. Trying to reason with a young angry adult is never an easy task. Since he graduated we only ask what we felt were a few simple request from him.
1. Stay out of trouble-and he has done this.
2. If you need to borow something, be sure to ask or leave it alone.- Not so good at
3. Help out around the house-as with most young adults this only works out when they are around and you have to specificly point out what you want help with
4.Don't be out all week and call home-been having a lot of trouble with this
Number 4 is the reason that I told him it was time to grow up and time to leave. I have a house full of teens so some sense of order must be maintained in my home. I worry about my kids and I can't have them showing up at 2 in the morning after they have decided to be out all week. Graduating from high school doesn't mean you can do what you want from now on. It only means more responsibility.
What I told Brian was that he had to leave for now because he was warned the last time it happened. I also informed him that he could stop by later after Kirk gets off work to talk it over with his dad. I hope he remembers and takes my advice but I may have to wear the unfortunate title as Bitch for a while. I can still hear the accusations rolling around in my head.
"You wouldn't do this to any of your own kids I bet."
"I'll probibly be dead in a year."
"I take out your **** dog for you."
"I help out in your **** house."
"You wouldn't do this to Ed"
"So why don't you try to give the service a shot?"
"I don't like to fight, I don't want to get sent to war"
"So why are you fighting with me?"
"This is all Kristen's falt"
"Kristen has nothing to do with this. Your dad and I warned you the last time you the last time it happened."
"I want my cap and gown from graduation!"
"When you find a place to stay I'll give it to you"
"I have no where to go"
But he left and no I'm not happy about it either. I love all my kids even if I didn't give birth to one of them they are still my kids and I worry about them. If you see Brian, tell him that we are still willing to listen if he is willing to listen. We want to be able to help him find a job and some meaning in life. This was NOT a get out and never come back. I wonder if part of him wanted to go. But at least for now I think he needs a little time away, at least to collect his thoughts.
1. Stay out of trouble-and he has done this.
2. If you need to borow something, be sure to ask or leave it alone.- Not so good at
3. Help out around the house-as with most young adults this only works out when they are around and you have to specificly point out what you want help with
4.Don't be out all week and call home-been having a lot of trouble with this
Number 4 is the reason that I told him it was time to grow up and time to leave. I have a house full of teens so some sense of order must be maintained in my home. I worry about my kids and I can't have them showing up at 2 in the morning after they have decided to be out all week. Graduating from high school doesn't mean you can do what you want from now on. It only means more responsibility.
What I told Brian was that he had to leave for now because he was warned the last time it happened. I also informed him that he could stop by later after Kirk gets off work to talk it over with his dad. I hope he remembers and takes my advice but I may have to wear the unfortunate title as Bitch for a while. I can still hear the accusations rolling around in my head.
"You wouldn't do this to any of your own kids I bet."
"I'll probibly be dead in a year."
"I take out your **** dog for you."
"I help out in your **** house."
"You wouldn't do this to Ed"
"So why don't you try to give the service a shot?"
"I don't like to fight, I don't want to get sent to war"
"So why are you fighting with me?"
"This is all Kristen's falt"
"Kristen has nothing to do with this. Your dad and I warned you the last time you the last time it happened."
"I want my cap and gown from graduation!"
"When you find a place to stay I'll give it to you"
"I have no where to go"
But he left and no I'm not happy about it either. I love all my kids even if I didn't give birth to one of them they are still my kids and I worry about them. If you see Brian, tell him that we are still willing to listen if he is willing to listen. We want to be able to help him find a job and some meaning in life. This was NOT a get out and never come back. I wonder if part of him wanted to go. But at least for now I think he needs a little time away, at least to collect his thoughts.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Such A Beautiful Day
It is not often that I get a Saturday off. It is a mirical that Kirk and I get to have a Saturday off together without requesting it. We decided to spend the morning together at the Upland town rummage. The morning started off cool but as we wandered around town it gradualy got warmer. The local V.P.'s bathroom had a good 15 minute wait. Good thing I didn't have to go. Since I have a house full of things I need to get rid of, I was mostly looking. There was a lot going on though. One of the churchs there had been selling home made muffins and hotdogs. There seems to be a lot of hunters in Upland since several of the rummages had fishing and hunting equiptment for sale. I wish I could hunt.
I was able to chat with a local poetry author trying to sell his book. He was a nice older man and I intended to head back later to get a signed copy. The lack of public restrooms and Kirks empty stomach prevented us from returning so I hope I run into him later. My biggest regret was forgetting to get his name.
Our last stop before leaving was the thrift store and that is where we found our treasures. My favorate was a 2 dollar Tiki statue made of volcanic rock. I doubt that it is an origional but it was cool enough to purchase. There are a lot of unique items there and they are only open on saturdays. If you get the extra time try and visit this thrift store.
The main reason for this blog is that I was thinking how strange it is that writting idea's can just pop up out of thin air. My little statue has inspired me on yet another story. This will make project number 3 and I'm confused on wich one I want to work on first. I want to work on them all so I at least have to make a note for each idea. I wish I had unlimited time to write. But them again, if that was the case I wouldn't have any idea's for stories. Still, I would like to have one of the projects close to completion by the end of the year. Have a good evening because it's time for me to get buisy once again.
I was able to chat with a local poetry author trying to sell his book. He was a nice older man and I intended to head back later to get a signed copy. The lack of public restrooms and Kirks empty stomach prevented us from returning so I hope I run into him later. My biggest regret was forgetting to get his name.
Our last stop before leaving was the thrift store and that is where we found our treasures. My favorate was a 2 dollar Tiki statue made of volcanic rock. I doubt that it is an origional but it was cool enough to purchase. There are a lot of unique items there and they are only open on saturdays. If you get the extra time try and visit this thrift store.
The main reason for this blog is that I was thinking how strange it is that writting idea's can just pop up out of thin air. My little statue has inspired me on yet another story. This will make project number 3 and I'm confused on wich one I want to work on first. I want to work on them all so I at least have to make a note for each idea. I wish I had unlimited time to write. But them again, if that was the case I wouldn't have any idea's for stories. Still, I would like to have one of the projects close to completion by the end of the year. Have a good evening because it's time for me to get buisy once again.
Friday, September 3, 2010
I've really been excited about this week. I've finally approved my book on lulu.com and I'm waiting for my own personal copies. You can purchase the original draft for $5.00 if you really want to save some money. This draft is available for download only. I will be running a sale for the next month on the paperback version. You can get your copy for only $10.00 for a limited time. I would love to sell it cheaper but print on demand cost a little more then mass production. Of course it has taken me some time to figure out the lulu website so the price may stick. The paperback is also available for download as well and both copies have pictures added to enhance your reading experience. Since I will not be able to see the content inside until I receive my copies, I do not know how it will turn out. This is my first time publishing so if there are mistakes inside, I apologize ahead of time.
I can't help but to think of the gun shop commercial when I say I'm not looking to make much money, I just want you to read my book. I find myself laughing every time I say it but it's true. I had a lot of fun writing it and I want you to enjoy it as well.
There will be a second half to Helios and the Legend of the Nomiwatta but I've started working on another more urgent project Tuesday. It will be called "Trapped in Skorrgatory." I'm not going to offer much detail on my newest project except that it will be a paranormal based on the death of my brother. I've already got a good portion of the outline finished. I have no idea yet as to how long it will be. Once I start writing these things seem to have a mind of their own. I will share with you a letter Stephen wrote to my younger brother when he was locked up in the brig. I found it extremely coincidental that one little line in the letter fit into my book. It was like he inadvertently knew something. Thanks to Stephen's ability to randomly make up words, he also picked out the title.
12 Nov 95
Whats up Mr. 18,
I'm doing well. Danke for the Batman tape. I really liked it. It brings out the two-face in me. One moment it makes me jump around on the tables and slam. The next minute it makes me fell kinda mellow. So how ya doing? I don't hear from ya too much except when I call. Oh well, only 33 more days of this B.S. and then I'll be home.
What a strange life this has been for me so far. Mr. Mojo rising. Not much else to write about. Take care. I'll call soon.
I cannot offer you a date on this newest book because I'm not going to rush on this on. I want it to be perfect. I was crying half of the time Tuesday while writing it so I can assure you it will be good.
Peace out and until next time, keep dreaming.
I can't help but to think of the gun shop commercial when I say I'm not looking to make much money, I just want you to read my book. I find myself laughing every time I say it but it's true. I had a lot of fun writing it and I want you to enjoy it as well.
There will be a second half to Helios and the Legend of the Nomiwatta but I've started working on another more urgent project Tuesday. It will be called "Trapped in Skorrgatory." I'm not going to offer much detail on my newest project except that it will be a paranormal based on the death of my brother. I've already got a good portion of the outline finished. I have no idea yet as to how long it will be. Once I start writing these things seem to have a mind of their own. I will share with you a letter Stephen wrote to my younger brother when he was locked up in the brig. I found it extremely coincidental that one little line in the letter fit into my book. It was like he inadvertently knew something. Thanks to Stephen's ability to randomly make up words, he also picked out the title.
12 Nov 95
Whats up Mr. 18,
I'm doing well. Danke for the Batman tape. I really liked it. It brings out the two-face in me. One moment it makes me jump around on the tables and slam. The next minute it makes me fell kinda mellow. So how ya doing? I don't hear from ya too much except when I call. Oh well, only 33 more days of this B.S. and then I'll be home.
What a strange life this has been for me so far. Mr. Mojo rising. Not much else to write about. Take care. I'll call soon.
I cannot offer you a date on this newest book because I'm not going to rush on this on. I want it to be perfect. I was crying half of the time Tuesday while writing it so I can assure you it will be good.
Peace out and until next time, keep dreaming.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
It's been a great week this week. I've published my first book on Lulu.com and I'm currently working on a second book. Hopefully it will become available in the next few months but these things don't always work out that way. The love of my life has recently expressed interest in writing as well and I'm absolutely thrilled about the idea. If and when he finishes them, I've told him that I would be more than happy to share my Lulu.com account for his publication. He would still be able to be listed as the author.My sweety can tell some really good stories and describe excellent visual detail. Without even reading my work, he has already critiqued it and given me some good pointers. I think it would be fantastic if I could get my children involved as well with writing. It is an excellent way to express yourself and let out some build up emotion. I recommend it to everyone, even it they aren't interested in publishing.I must be getting my laundry ready so I can go to work tonight.
Remember, never stop dreaming.
Remember, never stop dreaming.
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