Friday, January 7, 2011

The Bond That Ties Us All Together

     Conflict and disagreements within a family setting are inevitable. In a split family there is always someone asking "where does your honor lie?" The only reason I am bringing up this subject is that the same conflict exist within my own extended family. A lot of the time I tend to remain neutral on a great deal of subjects but the time has arrived once again for me to speak up and set the record strait for those that are confused.

      If you love the Lord, then learn the scripture. It will protect you in these times of uncertainty. Mark 3:30-35 tells of a similar incident that occurred to Jesus. It says that when Jesus' mother and brothers arrived, they stood at the edge of a large crowd that surrounded Jesus and sent someone to fetch him. When he was told that your mother and brothers are looking for you he answered them with a wise question. He said "who are my mother and my brothers?" "Whoever does God's will is my mother, brother, and sister."
     It wasn't out of disrespect that this statement was made. It was to show us that there is more that ties us together than blood. That bond is Christ Jesus. Remember to defend what is right and don't get upset when others scold you. Don't be afraid to defend those that are different. Its not what they look like or what occupation they may want to attain, its what is in their heart that matters most.

     As Jesus explained in one of his parables, we must check the condition of their soul. He compared it to soil. We are the farmers sowing seed but not all of the seed will fall on good soil. That doesn't mean we should give up though. A seed has the potential to sprout on poor soil even though it may not thrive for very long. There is also the barren soil. We shouldn't give up on this lifeless plot of land, but you may have to walk away and just put it in God's hands if it refuses to accept any nourishment.

     Yes I have been writing in parables myself this morning but it is life itself that inspires me. So let life inspire you and turn to the Word of God when you have questions.