Finally the rain arrived after almost 2 months suffering from a blistering hot spring. There's no rainbow to be seen from where I am situated, but the view is lovely non the less. Slightly intoxicated, I find it relaxing to lounge on the blue sofa that is dotted with white flowers while watching Dr. Who on the television and enjoying the light breeze of the fan. The fan and the drop in temperature offer some comfort but are not as refreshing as my whisky and coke spilling down the exposed portion of my cleavage.
I look out the picture window once more and can see the extreme tops of the trees illuminated by the sun's last trivial efforts to scorch my surroundings before her rays are extinguished for the night. It's 5 till 9 but still light enough to be thought of as morning. This is when my morning begins.It's hard fitting in naps during the daylight hours, but my work must continue. Humanity may be an overbearing pestilence on this plantet but I used to be one off them and they perhaps some are still worth saving.
I smell something in the air. they are starting to come out of hiding or sleeping once again. What ever it is they do during the daylight hours is no concern of mine! My blood is pumping and head racing. My breakfast is stirring . Time to change!