It has been a busy week around here. Apart from having to put in some hours at the Barrel and feeling like I've been beaten with a stick, we have accomplished some much needed cleaning around the house. It is only just beginning to look better inside but we have high hopes for the run down shack of mine.
The latest headlines (My Headlines lol) indicate that children have extraordinary healing attributes. Who would have ever guessed but it's true. Two nights ago I had just finished a shift at the Barrel and my back decided to start in with the spasm thing and not quit aching. My initial plan had been to go home and go to bed after taking a dose of Tylenol. Instead I ended up at the neighbors house for something that I can't for the life of me remember at midnight that night. Perhaps I was chasing down my youngest daughter but it's not important. The grand babies were still up and running around sharing all that untapped energy and little ones do. Bug, the oldest and who never pays attention to me must have felt my plight since he decided to start jumping at me. This young man of 4 literally used himself as a cannon ball and projected himself right at me from the kitchen chair several times.
His grandma and grandpa quickly ushered him in the living room to watch TV since they had both been worried about him possibly injuring me but it surprisingly had the opposite effect. My back ache left me. Aren't kid's great.
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