I've had a great start so far to my early Monday morning routine. Well lets just say that noting was routine about this morning as I was woken up after 4 hours of sleep. This is normal for the start of the week. That brings me to today's newscast. My household headline is "Escaped convict captured."
Eyewitness reports confirm that the suspect in question had no real plan in place. "It is a common occurrence with this one," reports the warden. "He usually just lounges back and waits for that millisecond opening to make his break." When he does get away, he is reported as "like a train slamming through the entrance as he flies through the doorway to the outside world." It was a rather funny situation. Our staff had to be sequestered to keep from annoying the guard on duty. He apparently had been extremely irritated that this happened to him. It was like watching a scene from the three musketeers or something. Just the way he tried kicking the empty air. Then proceeded to slam his lighter and cigarette on the floor. With the help of another guard, Hoot is safely back in his cell and will not be causing damage to anyone's trash cans this morning.
Other headlines include "DEATH OF AN INNOCENT FAIRY." This very special little creature found itself stuck on a front porch Saturday. The occupants of the house did not want to harm it so they tried leaving the outside door open to help it out. They had been afraid that if it was captured, the process might give it a heart attack.By the late evening, the fairy decided to rest on a wire running across the ceiling. Sunday morning came and our little friend had left us for fairy heaven. To commemorate such an untimely passing, she was placed in a bed of flowers and bright foliage. Online condolences are welcome and donations can be made to your local animal shelter.
And now, time for today's feature presentation.
I was given the opportunity to share my feelings about a rather controversial subject the other day and thought it was high time it was blogged about. So, are you gay, straight or prefer both? Like I really care! I honestly don't even want to know. When I look at someone, anyone for that matter, I see a wonderful and unique individual.
So, how do you view yourself? Why would I be asking this? It's because I can't seem to find anyone who sees things exactly the way I do. but when I am given the chance to explain, it all becomes clear to them.Seriously, just like I do not see people through the color of their skin, I do not see people through their choice of sexual orientation. All I see is that each one of you are beautiful.
Do you believe that our chemical makeup dominates our choices? I've just set you up there with that question. Some of the subtle Ques of writing that your need to pay attention to. If you are given a choice then it is something you can control. To top thing off, society needs limits set. Without these limits, your so called chemical makeup would have society under control. Yes I know that some monkey's and penguins have same sex partners. That's all fine but what about those that have a compulsive urge to sleep with children or animals? Who you sleep with is something you are able to control and it's time to stop making excuses.This is Dreamtimereaders saying "Good morning everyone and happy hunting in the relationships you are attempting. In the end, I think we all want the same thing. That is either great sex and/or a partner we can tolerate enough to grow old with.
I've met this escapee you speak of. He's a sly one for sure. Even maximum security can't hold this one, :)
ReplyDeleteI definitely send my condolences for our innocent little fairy friend. May it rest in peace.
I agree with your view on sexual preferrence. I know I know not the most socially correct way of thinking, but I've always felt be proud of who you are, even if who you are is different from the norm. Don't make excuses why you are the way you are, or why you choose to be a certain way. Because if you have to make excuses in some way you must deep down be ashamed of your choices.