Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Profound Thoughts

     The previous week hasn't been the greatest of times for me but it wasn't horrible either. There was trouble shooting on my computer. Somehow the Internet was turned off. Thankfully that has been fixed. I have also been sick again this week. At least my fever appears to be breaking now and I'm feeling better. Still earlier this week, my client and myself were watching a show on the history channel that got me to thinking about why in do individuals not have profound thoughts in a moment of crisis?
     Do you know what Teddy Roosevelt said when his navel secretary (Stark) called to inform our president that Pearl Harbor was just bombed? He said "OH No!" Its not the most insightful of responses when everyone expect our country's leader to set the example for us all. Seriously though, what was he to say in that precise moment. I'm sure the news sent him into shock and utter acceptance all at the same time.

     When I was hit by a truck six years ago do you know what I said right before impact? It was "Oh shit!" I have disappointed others because I neglected to think of God or cry out to him for help. It wasn't a panicked declaration either.  It was an acceptance statement mixed with disbelief right before the impact. Oh yea, I also saw a brilliant pretty light when I impacted with that blasted truck too. It wasn't all sweet either. My soul felt as though it would be ripped from my body. Either way it wasn't my time and as I think back, there was nothing I could have added to my statement at that moment to make it more profound because there wasn't any time. The shock of the situation would have prevented me from adding to it anyways.

Tonight's Profound Thought: Be safe everyone and may God continue to look over you.

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