Monday, June 27, 2011

Dreamtimereaders: Be A Cheerful Giver

Dreamtimereaders: Be A Cheerful Giver: " The lessons God gives us can sometimes be so obvious that you would have to be asleep to miss them. Such is the case with me starting ..."

Be A Cheerful Giver

    The lessons God gives us can sometimes be so obvious that you would have to be asleep to miss them. Such is the case with me starting about 12 hour ago. My daughter called me somewhat late last night asking if I could help out a friend of hers who had no where to go and was living out of his truck. My first though was "at least he has a roof over his head." Thankfully I didn't voice my opinion. There were other thoughts rolling through my mind like: "I've got to work in the morning" and "Jesus and his followers lived most of the time under the stars." These were valid points in my mind but there was one problem. I felt guilt for thinking them.

     So I prayed about it. My situation has been rather slim on the financial side of things here lately and I didn't want to take that out on others. It's not their fault that I have two jobs but no hours to speak of. Why this morning my boss sent me a text saying that my main client is still in the hospital and I won't be needed. That leave me with 5 hours of actual work this week if no one calls. That really burns. So, after getting the message, I'm still praying.
     Then more bad news kicks in. The boy who had spent the night is trying to leave but has a flat tire. "Mom can he use your car to run and get air in his tire?"
     "No!" is my reply but not the only option here. My insurance wouldn't cover if something happened. I can take him though. Since I'm not working, its a good time to get to know the kid and a little more about his situation. In the end, I gave him 3 cans of fix-a-flat and a tire patch kit. I respect the kid. It's not like he isn't trying, the economy is just bad. Then I realized this was how God had answered my prayer. He kept me from work so I would give all that I have to help someone in need. That is, in a worse situation then myself. I feel like Joana trying to run away from Ninnava and getting sent there anyways. I'm thankful that I got to experience this though. I may be broke and unable to tithe but the Lord really doesn't need our money. What he really wants from us is to love and help one another. Peace out!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Just Thinking: A Villan's Roll

     We enjoy doing it but writing is still work. Coming up with a fabulous story isn't enough. I would really like to finish my first romance novel and move on  but I find myself thinking about the plot and making sure it flows properly. I'm at least hoping it saves me a half-a-dozen rewrites and some time. I've read to many mystery and action novels to know that the villain I've created needs more motive. The story is two-thirds of the way completed and the main villain has accomplished his goal. It seems my villain needs a new goal now and more build up is required to bring it forth. That meas my goal of 50,000 words could easily end up at 70,000 to 80,000 before editing. Perhaps I need to pick up a book on how evil men think or I could just make the villain insane. Sometimes the logic of insanity tends to be beyond our comprehension and we can only speculate as to the why and how.
     A friend of mine told me to just add more sex but I want my book to feel real. Everyone knows that with or without sex scenes the honeymoon faze has to end at some point. I'm not trying to write Playboy material here. I've said it before and I'll say it again, too much sex leads to chaffing. Yes there are ways to get around that but nobody I know wants to spend the money to help with preventive measures on this issue. Besides, half of the time what transpires between two people is not planned and happens on a whim. In real life, the preparations of someone planning to get lucky consist of mainly carrying a condom. They don't think about bringing lubrication if someone isn't getting stimulated enough. Most newlyweds could care less as well.
     Do you remember the song "Grand Illusion" by Styx? That is what all of this is. It's bullshit and not real but there is noting wrong with trying to escape reality every now and then. Just remember at some given point the illusion always fades and we have to face the truth of the matter at hand. In the meantime, I will continue to brainstorm ideas and finish that first novel.

Peace out everyone!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The First Kiss

     This article was inspired by a very dear acquaintance who is running a contest on her blog sight. I'm not going to be entering it because I have never been a big fan of games. It's a downfall of mine but I still manage to have fun.  It would be a waist though to spend all this time on an essay and not do anything with it, so I figured I'd share this once.
     Do you remember your first kiss? It seems funny that there is a lot of things I have trouble remembering anymore but I still remember that first kiss. I also remember that the first time for any experience isn't always a good one. Often times they are clumsy and badly handled. Sometimes you just want to tuck it away in a dusty corner and pray no one will ever remind you of it again.
     My feelings on it have never been that extreme. Still, I hope the gentleman that I've written about never comes across this article. If he does though, I want us to laugh about it and move on like we always do.

                                                             My First Kiss

We met though a neighbor of mine. My friend Angie had dragged me several blocks away to her boyfriend’s house to hang around for the afternoon. When he walked in it was like I had just woke up from a dream. The mid day sun was streaming in through the picture window in the living room. His frame was silhouetted but caught my attention.  All he said to me was “Hi” and I thought I would never see him again after that. We weren’t even in the same grade. Then Angie informed me the next day that he wanted my phone number.
Bart had been visiting for about two weeks after meeting him. He displayed an intriguing interest in me. The way he licked his lips stirred something in my young brain. I liked it but didn’t know why. A week earlier Bart had shown me his high school picture from last year and, “Oh my, he’s come a long way since then.” The rat tail had been cut off and he now sported a short wavy hair cut. The thick framed glasses were ditched and replaced with contact lenses that enhanced the green in his eyes. I was surprised that even after my awkward displays that made it very clear I had no experience in the area of love and affection, he still came around. It was extremely obvious through our conversations that there was experience accumulated behind those green eyes.
The afternoon was pleasantly warm and my brother Stephen had kicked Bart and I outside since mom was shopping and dad had been at work. We sat on the front step joking about how I would be accosted for not doing anything. Then he placed his hand on my cheek and pulled me close. He never asked and I didn’t expect it to happen then but it did. The warmth of his lips pressed up against mine. He moved slow trying not to scare me and tasted like a fruit flavored tick tack. 
Nothing would have prepared me for what happened next and I pulled away scared. I was no longer Scarlet O’Hara in the mist of a passionate kiss. I was a anxious teenage girl freaking out because I felt his tongue slipping in my mouth. My face was flushed and warm as I quickly jerked away. Bart laughed about it and tried to make me feel better about my first kiss but it was a little too much for me to stomach.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


     I always thought it curious how perception changes on what we see. Things are never that scary during the day because you are able to see things for what you think they really are. At night though, everything changes. That friendly old lady down the road suddenly becomes a scary old hag out looking for potions or children to kidnap. You cringe at the thought of her walking down the street during those twilight hours. The steady tap of her cane sends shivers down your back. The most curios part of this is that she enjoys every minute of your frighting misery. Why is this?
     The night is the perfect time to come out when you don't want others to see your imperfections. Even if your appearance is rather odd you can still find somewhere to fit in. Perhaps you may even find a friend. The strange hag clicking down the street did.
      It was a perfect night for a walk. There was a light haze forming around the dense tree cover giving a good indication that there could be fog in the morning hours if you decided to get up early enough to see it. Nothing could be heard but the steady tap of a stick clicking its way through the shadows. A large shadow with scraggly black hair scuttles down an empty road. Know one knew if this was a random event or the start of some sadistic routine so they kept quiet and watched. The figure left them alone to continue her journey. All around the trees stretched forth their fir-like limbs trying to engulf the barren road but she continued on.
Hardly anything could be seen in the baseball field except blackness and perhaps the tips of fence post. It wasn't until she reached a cement concession stand that something poked out of the shadows.
     She had seen it the previous night running across the field but could not give chase due to an injured leg. Now it was right in front of her and batting at it's tail. The clicking stopped and she spoke to it wondering if it would run off. The tail quit swishing and this white critter walked over and started rubbing up against her leg.
 It followed her across the field until she picked it up. Amused by the attention she ask it "are you here to change my mind about cats? You do realize that I'm not a cat person? My dog would eat you alive if I took you home and my son is most certainly allergic to you." It said nothing but was content to stay in her arms and look at the sparkling fireflies shimmering in the trees.
     Everything was fine as they walked to the small brook with a rickety bridge covering it. The little white cat seemed to be feeling fidgety by this time so after looking at the bubbly brook the hag like stranger set it on the ground. It continued to play at her feet for a few minuets before running off and she headed back home.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


     The hunger kept calling me and tonight I've given in. It's not a hunger that you would understand. My cravings are nothing closely related to filling my stomach or the desires of flesh. It's calling reached me tonight and I gave in. The stuffiness of our house would no longer shelter me so with a bubble wand in hand I walked out back. The smell of a thousand freshly cut lawns engulfed my insignificant nostrils and I danced to it. Spinning round and round the bubbles circled me. Through the trees they flew and I watched marveling at the shear simplicity of the most wonderful things. They flew over green bean sprouts and kissed an infant tomato growing on it's vine. They circled the rosemary and tickled the cheeks of my garden gnome. Then he was there. Without a moments hesitation I grabbed his hand and told him to walk with me. No resistance was offered. There was only his smile and proclamation that a walking hat would be required.
     I swear the stars smiled on us as we made our way to the park. We passed my favorite flower patch right under a corner street lamp. The insects hovered above in a hopelessly endless flight around an imitation sun.  It's beams hopelessly drawing them in. I think how sad it must be to be lost in that hypnotic gase but then again, I am hopelessly lost in the moment. The fireflies are out in thick patches tonight. They illuminate the night and make it feel like we have walked into a cave of sparkling stones.
      At last our destination has been reached. I can already hear the steady flow from a stream hidden  by the darkness and knee high grass. My feet are wet as those open toed sandals of mine soak up what I understand as evening dew. I know not if it is really possible but this is how it feels. Reaching the small rickety bridge it is time to go back. Hand in hand he helps me up the hill and makes sure I don't trip.I think I shall have to do this a little more often and not just on a night like tonight. I want to make the journey when the leaves are orange and the wind wails with an endless rage. The trip would also be stunning on the first evening snowfall. I can't wait to make the journey again. It doesn't matter if I am with him or by myself, I will go. Still it would be nicer if he was with me.

The Domino Effect

Do you remember the commercial that shows how eating their product will could have a domino effect on your life and lead to better decisions through out the rest of the day? That is how quitting smoking seems to be affecting my life. I've not survived but really felt like I've lived for the first time in years over the last month. I've been doing a lot of thinking too sine my 40th birthday will transpire in about six months. The kids are almost grown and my life will move once again into a new era and more amazing possibilities available to me. I want to be in great shape and ready for it. The way I've been living isn't good enough any more. After completing a serious evaluation on my life I think that several more changes can be worked in to make my dream possible. Diet pop is tasting really great now. I've always detested it before. Unsweetened tea that is freshly brewed and poured over a stack of ice taste amazing when I first wake up in the morning . The greatest thing about this change is that I wasn't trying to make it happen. It happened as a direct result of my giving up smoking. My taste buds are changing and I'm full of energy now. I get a full nights rest and can't sleep past 8 a.m. any more. I have to be doing something other than sitting on my big rear end playing video games. I am unable to sit for long hours and write any more so I've gone to breaking it up and jotting down what I can when given an opportunity. I'm excited to find out what will come next!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

That Crazy Spam Box

I had planned on doing my usual updates since I haven't been on in a while until I came across something interesting in the spam box. Normally I wouldn't even take a second look at it but geese, I think I've put a stitch in my side laughing over the content of two letters. Heck, I don't care if its a scam or if I'm truly in trouble, because these two letters are worth framing and being talked about for years to come. I'll be 70 years old and a friend will walk up to me in the nursing home while I'm playing my video games and ask, "do you remember the time we thought our Federal Government was commin' after you?"
I'll just let you read for yourself and make up your own mind, how about that?

Saif Al Islam Ghadaffi
show details May 30 (9 days ago)
My names are Saif Al Islam Ghadaffi, the son of the present president of Libya.

I am contacting for an urgent assistance. As you can read and see in the media, my family is presently undergoing tough time in the hand of the masses due to his long stay in power as the president of Libya for over 40 years now. Although there is no way you can satisfy human being, my father has done so many things to better the life of our people and unfortunately they never appreciated his effort.

Please read more:

The International community has reached a resolution for immediate seizure of our assets both in US and the UK.

I want to request your humble assistance to receive a total sum of $45.5 million US dollars which we have succeeded in moving the cash to an undisclosed Area.
You will receive this fund directly and keep it safe while I shall come down to meet you or send a trusted friend for necessary investment as may be suggested by you.

 You should kindly let me know your percentage as we will be ready to share whatever percentage for your assistance.

Please reach me on my private email address:

Saif Al Islam Ghadaffi

And then there was this one as well





show details May 25

Warning: This message may not be from whom it claims to be. Beware of following any links in it or of providing the sender with any personal information.  Learn more

This is an official letter from federal bureau of investigation criminal justice and information records department, this is of extreme importance and you are expected to respond immediately or run the risk of being prosecuted.

Bank of Nigeria transferred 10,500,000.00 us dollars to bank of America in your favor as the beneficiary by inheritance means. Bank of Nigeria used what we call “secret diplomatic transit payment” s.d.t.p method to pay this fund by wire transfer. Secret diplomatic payments are not made unless the funds are related to terrorist activities.

the question I ask you is this, why must your payment be made in a secret transfer, if the transaction is legitimate, if you are not a terrorist, then why did you not receive the money directly into your account? Why did you instruct them to use a coded means to transfer your fund? Funds like this have always been related to terrorist activities/money laundering, we do not want you to get into trouble as soon as these funds are credited into your account because you might be innocent, which is my presumption for now, but you need to proof this to the FBI.

FBI stopped the transfer of $10,500,000.00 usd through a secret diplomatic transit account (s.d.t.a) that was used to wire this fund to you. we advice you to contact us immediately, as your funds are stopped and held in our custody, you are to provide us with the diplomatic immunity seal of transfer (dist) document that accompanied you’re funds within the next 3 days.

To proof to us that the funds you are receiving from Nigeria is terrorist/drug free and not proceeds from money laundering. Failure to produce the dist document, we shall impound the transfer and prosecute you for criminal offense, but on the contrary your funds will be released to immediately we receive the dist document. we have decided to contact you directly by email because of time and your phone number here isn’t going through, acquire the dist document as proof that you are the rightful beneficiary,

The dist is very important because the dist document guarantees you of the following

60t your credit payment is irrevocable

61h you are empowered to receive the funds without further scrutiny

62j your bank can either be in usa/uk/outside or anywhere you are having full residency

Reply immediately with this dist document if you want to receive your transferred funds we intercepted



Ain't that some shit!