Friday, June 24, 2011

Just Thinking: A Villan's Roll

     We enjoy doing it but writing is still work. Coming up with a fabulous story isn't enough. I would really like to finish my first romance novel and move on  but I find myself thinking about the plot and making sure it flows properly. I'm at least hoping it saves me a half-a-dozen rewrites and some time. I've read to many mystery and action novels to know that the villain I've created needs more motive. The story is two-thirds of the way completed and the main villain has accomplished his goal. It seems my villain needs a new goal now and more build up is required to bring it forth. That meas my goal of 50,000 words could easily end up at 70,000 to 80,000 before editing. Perhaps I need to pick up a book on how evil men think or I could just make the villain insane. Sometimes the logic of insanity tends to be beyond our comprehension and we can only speculate as to the why and how.
     A friend of mine told me to just add more sex but I want my book to feel real. Everyone knows that with or without sex scenes the honeymoon faze has to end at some point. I'm not trying to write Playboy material here. I've said it before and I'll say it again, too much sex leads to chaffing. Yes there are ways to get around that but nobody I know wants to spend the money to help with preventive measures on this issue. Besides, half of the time what transpires between two people is not planned and happens on a whim. In real life, the preparations of someone planning to get lucky consist of mainly carrying a condom. They don't think about bringing lubrication if someone isn't getting stimulated enough. Most newlyweds could care less as well.
     Do you remember the song "Grand Illusion" by Styx? That is what all of this is. It's bullshit and not real but there is noting wrong with trying to escape reality every now and then. Just remember at some given point the illusion always fades and we have to face the truth of the matter at hand. In the meantime, I will continue to brainstorm ideas and finish that first novel.

Peace out everyone!

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