Do you remember the commercial that shows how eating their product will could have a domino effect on your life and lead to better decisions through out the rest of the day? That is how quitting smoking seems to be affecting my life. I've not survived but really felt like I've lived for the first time in years over the last month. I've been doing a lot of thinking too sine my 40th birthday will transpire in about six months. The kids are almost grown and my life will move once again into a new era and more amazing possibilities available to me. I want to be in great shape and ready for it. The way I've been living isn't good enough any more. After completing a serious evaluation on my life I think that several more changes can be worked in to make my dream possible. Diet pop is tasting really great now. I've always detested it before. Unsweetened tea that is freshly brewed and poured over a stack of ice taste amazing when I first wake up in the morning . The greatest thing about this change is that I wasn't trying to make it happen. It happened as a direct result of my giving up smoking. My taste buds are changing and I'm full of energy now. I get a full nights rest and can't sleep past 8 a.m. any more. I have to be doing something other than sitting on my big rear end playing video games. I am unable to sit for long hours and write any more so I've gone to breaking it up and jotting down what I can when given an opportunity. I'm excited to find out what will come next!
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