Friday, September 2, 2011

Weekend News

This gorgeous Friday night  ended with a glorious red crescent moon hanging over the tree tops. No picture  that I've come across can fully capture the true beauty of such a wonderful sight. I do have one question though. A night like tonight makes the blood boil. It heightens the senses and brings out unnatural thoughts. Since the moon isn't full, all the harry beast are still tucked away in their burrows but there time is coming soon. Anyways, remember to lock your doors tonight and hang those strings of garlic over the doors and windows. There is an unnatural chill sweeping through the air and it's not pleasant. We should have seen it coming but where too busy. The young teacher hanging from the school flag post should have been enough to get our attention but there was shopping to be done and people to see. The little girl who was stabbed repeatedly in the neck at an abandoned farm house should have jolted us from our couch and caused us to at least spill the popcorn. We kept on watching that scary move and didn't even flinch. Remember, they like to surprise us when we least expect it. This is Dreamtimetimereaders quoting Elvira as she says "Good night and pleasant nightmares."

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